Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goldengate - Commands

GGSCI Command Summary:

Object:          Command:





GGSEVT           VIEW


MARKER           INFO



REPORT           VIEW





Commands without an object:


(DDL)            DUMPDDL



ggsci> CREATE SUBDIRS     -- To create default directories within Oracle GoldenGate home directory


ggsci> INFO ALL [TASKS | ALLPROCESSES]   -- To display the status of all Manager, Extract, and Replicat processes


ggsci> info all tasks

ggsci> info all allprocesses

ggsci> INFO MANAGER   -- To determine whether or not the Manager process is running

ggsci> INFO MGR

ggsci> INFO MARKER [COUNT number_of_items]  -- To review recently processed markers from a NonStop system

ggsci> info marker

ggsci> INFO EXTRACT group_name [, SHOWCH [n]] [, DETAIL] [, TASKS | ALLPROCESSES] 

ggsci> info extract emp_ext

ggsci> info extract cust_ext, detail

ggsci> info extract ext*, showch

ggsci> info extract *, detail

ggsci> info extract hr, tasks


ggsci> INFO REPLICAT group_name [, SHOWCH [n]] [, DETAIL] [, TASKS | ALLPROCESSES]

ggsci> info replicat emp_rep

ggsci> info replicat emp_rep, detail

ggsci> info replicat prd*, detail, allprocesses

ggsci> info replicat *, tasks

ggsci> info replicat fin, showch

ggsci> INFO EXTTRAIL trail_name  -- To retrieve configuration information for a local trail

ggsci> info exttrail *

ggsci> info exttrail e:\ogg\dirdat\ex

ggsci> INFO RMTTRAIL trail_name  -- To retrieve configuration information for a remote trail

ggsci> info rmttrail *

ggsci> info rmttrail d:\ogg\dirdat\ex


ggsci> INFO TRANDATA user_name.table_names [, OLDFORMAT] [, USETRIGGER]  -- To determine whether logging/replication enabled or not

ggsci> info trandata hr.*

ggsci> info trandata fin.acct

ggsci> INFO CHECKPOINTTABLE [user_name.table_name]  -- To confirm the existence of a checkpoint table and view the date and time that it was created

ggsci> info checkpointtable gg_owner.chkpt_table

ggsci> INFO TRACETABLE [owner.table]     -- To verify the existence of the specified trace table

ggsci> info tracetable ora_trace

ggsci> INFO ER group_wildcard_specification   -- To get information on multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit

ggsci> info ER *ext*

ggsci> SHOW   -- To display the Oracle GoldenGate environment

ggsci> SHOW ALL


ggsci> DBLOGIN {SOURCEDB|TARGETDB dsn | USERID user_name[, PASSWORD password] [SYSDBA] |


SOURCEDB|TARGETDB dsn, USERID user_name[, PASSWORD password] [SYSDBA] [SQLID sqlid]   -- To establish a database connection

ggsci> dblogin sourcedb testdb

ggsci> dblogin targetdb repldb

ggsci> dblogin userid gg

ggsci> dblogin userid gg, password oracle

ggsci> dblogin userid system@localhost:1521/prod, password 12345678

ggsci> dblogin sourcedb ctdb@host1, userid gg_owner, password ggs sysdba


ggsci> ENCRYPT PASSWORD password [ENCRYPTKEY keyname]   -- To encrypt a database login password

ggsci> encrypt password oracle143 encryptkey spiderman


ggsci> LIST TABLES table_name   -- To list all tables in the database that match the specification

ggsci> list tables cust*

ggsci> EDIT PARAMS {MGR | ./GLOBALS | group_name | file_name}  -- To create or change a parameter file

ggsci> edit params mgr

ggsci> edit params ./GLOBALS

 ggsci> VIEW PARAMS {MGR | group_name | file_name}   -- To view the contents of a parameter file

ggsci> view params mgr

ggsci> view params s_extr

ggsci> view params e:\prm\replp.prm

ggsci> VIEW GGSEVT                -- To view GoldenGate error log (ggserr.log file)

ggsci> VIEW REPORT {group_name[n] | file_name}   -- To view the process report that is generated by Extract or Replicat

ggsci> view report ext6

ggsci> view report rep

ggsci> view report c:\ogg\dirrpt\orders.rpt

ggsci> ADD EXTRACT group_name

ggsci> add extract s_extr, tranlog, begin now

ggsci> add extract finext, tranlog, begin now, threads 4

ggsci> add extract fin, tranlog, begin now, passive

ggsci> add extract ext_ms, extseqno 111, begin now

ggsci> add extract hr_ext, extrba 567890, begin 2012-02-02 12:00:00

ggsci> add extract initload, sourceistable

ggsci> add extract pump, exttrailsource /oracle/gg11/dirdat/hr

ggsci> add extract fin, vam                        -- VAM - Vendor Access Module

ggsci> add extract fin, vamtrailsource /ogg/dirdat/vt

ggsci> add extract finA, rmthost host123, mgrport 7810, rmtname fin



ggsci> add replicat repl, exttrail C:\OGG10G\dirdat\lt

ggsci> add replicat t_rep, exttrail /oracle/gg11/dirdat/lt, checkpointtable gg_owner.checkpoint

ggsci> add replicat initload, specialrun

ggsci> add replicat sales, exttrail /oracle/gg11/dirdat/lt, nodbcheckpoint


ggsci> ADD EXTTRAIL trail_name, EXTRACT group_name [, MEGABYTES n] [, SEQNO n]-- To create a trail for online processing on local system

ggsci> add exttrail /oracle/gg11/dirdat/lt, extract s_extr

ggsci> add exttrail C:\OGG10G\dirdat\et, extract emp_ext

ggsci> add exttrail c:\ogg\dirdat\fi, extract fin, megabytes 30


ggsci> ADD RMTTRAIL trail_name, EXTRACT group_name [, MEGABYTES n] [, SEQNO n]-- To create a trail for online processing on remote system

ggsci> add rmttrail C:\OGG10G\dirdat\hr, extract extr

ggsci> add rmttrail /u01/app/oracle/ogg/dirdat/ms, extract msextr

ggsci> add rmttrail /u01/app/oracle/ogg/dirdat/my, extract mysql, megabytes 50


ggsci> add trandata hr.*

ggsci> add trandata emp.employees

ggsci> add trandata fin.acct, cols (name, address)

ggsci> add trandata fin.acct, nokey, cols (name, pid)

ggsci> add trandata fin.acct, lobsalwaysnoindex


ggsci> ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE [user_name.table_name]   -- To create a checkpoint table in the target database

ggsci> add checkpointtable

ggsci> add checkpointtable gg_owner.checkpoint


ggsci> ADD TRACETABLE [owner.table]   -- To create a trace table in the Oracle database

ggsci> add tracetable

ggsci> add tracetable ora_trace


ggsci> REGISTER EXTRACT extract_group_name LOGRETENTION

ggsci> register extract extr logretention


ggsci> START MANAGER    -- To start Manager process

ggsci> START MGR

ggsci> START *

ggsci> START EXTRACT extract_name   -- To start Extract process

ggsci> start extract extr

ggsci> START REPLICAT group_name [SKIPTRANSACTION | ATCSN csn | AFTERCSN csn]   -- To start Replicat process

ggsci> start replicat rep

ggsci> start replicat fin, atcsn 5238306       -- commit sequence number (CSN)

ggsci> start replicat fin, aftercsn 0X000006B1:0002334D:0004

ggsci> START ER group_wildcard_specification    -- To start multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit

ggsci> start er *rep*

ggsci> STOP MANAGER [!]    -- To stop Manager process

ggsci> stop manager

ggsci> stop manager !     -- will not ask for confirmation

ggsci> STOP EXTRACT extract_name   -- To stop Extract gracefully

ggsci> stop extract extr

ggsci> STOP REPLICAT replicat_name [!]   -- To stop Replicat gracefully

ggsci> stop replicat rep

ggsci> STOP ER group_wildcard_specification  -- To stop multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit

ggsci> stop er *ext*

ggsci> STATUS MANAGER    -- To determine whether or not the Manager process is running

ggsci> STATUS EXTRACT group_name [, TASKS | ALLPROCESSES]   -- To determine whether or not Extract is running

ggsci> status extract extr_hr

ggsci> status extract ext*, tasks

ggsci> status extract *ext*, allprocesses

ggsci> STATUS REPLICAT group_name [, TASKS | ALLPROCESSES]  -- To determine whether or not Replicat is running

ggsci> status replicat emp_rep

ggsci> status replicat cust_rep, allprocesses

ggsci> STATUS ER group_wildcard_specification   -- To check the status of multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit

ggsci> status er *EX*


-- To display statistics for one or more Extract group

ggsci> STATS EXTRACT group_name [, statistic] [, TABLE table] [, TOTALSONLY table_specification] [, REPORTFETCH | NOREPORTFETCH] [, REPORTRATE HR|MIN|SEC] [, ... ] 


ggsci> stats ext_hr

ggsci> stats extract ext

ggsci> stats extract ext2 reportrate sec

ggsci> stats extract fin, total, daily

ggsci> stats extract fin, total, hourly, table acct, reportrate min, reset, reportfetch

-- To display statistics for one or more Replicat groups

ggsci> STATS REPLICAT group_name [, statistic] [, TABLE table] [, TOTALSONLY table_specification] [, REPORTDETAIL | NOREPORTDETAIL] [, REPORTRATE HR|MIN|SEC] [, ... ]  

ggsci> stats rep_hr

ggsci> stats replicat fin, total, table acct, reportrate hr, reset, noreportdetail

ggsci> STATS ER group_wildcard_specification   -- To get statistics on multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit

ggsci> stats er ext*


ggsci> REFRESH MANAGER  -- not available in Oracle 11g


-- To retrieve the status of the active Manager process

or to retrieve dynamic port information as configured in the Manager parameter file



ggsci> send manager childstatus

ggsci> send manager childstatus debug

ggsci> send manager getportinfo

ggsci> send manager getportinfo detail

ggsci> send manager getpurgeoldextracts


ggsci> send extract exthr status

ggsci> send extract extr, getlag

ggsci> send extract group_name tltrace file file_name ddlinclude

ggsci> send extract fin, rollover

ggsci> send extract fin  stop

ggsci> send extract fin, vammessage control:suspend

ggsci> send extract fin, tranlogoptions transcleanupfrequency 15

ggsci> send extract fin, showtrans count 10

ggsci> send extract fin, skiptrans 5.17.27634 thread 2


ggsci> send replicat fin, handlecollisions

ggsci> send replicat fin, report handlecollisions fin_*

ggsci> send replicat fin, getlag

ggsci> SEND ER group_wildcard_specification   -- To send instructions to multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit

ggsci> send er *ext


-- To change the attributes of an Extract group, To increment a trail to the next file in the sequence

ggsci> ALTER EXTRACT group_name [, ADD_EXTRACT_attribute] [, THREAD number] [, ETROLLOVER] 

ggsci> alter extract fin, begin 2012-02-16

ggsci> alter extract fin, etrollover

ggsci> alter extract fin, extseqno 26, extrba 338

ggsci> alter extract accounts, thread 4, begin 2012-03-09

ggsci> alter extract sales, lsn 1234:123:1


ggsci> alter replicat fin, begin 2011-09-28 08:08:08

ggsci> alter replicat fin, extseqno 53

ggsci> alter replicat fin, extrba 666

ggsci> ALTER EXTTRAIL trail_name, EXTRACT group_name [, MEGABYTES n]   -- To change the attributes of a trail (on the local system)

ggsci> alter exttrail c:\ogg\dirdat\aa, extract fin, megabytes 30

ggsci> ALTER RMTTRAIL trail_name, EXTRACT group_name [, MEGABYTES n]   -- To change the attributes of a trail (on a remote system)

ggsci> alter rmttrail c:\ogg\dirdat\et, extract fin, megabytes 25

ggsci> CLEANUP EXTRACT group_name [, SAVE count]   -- To delete run history for specified Extract group

ggsci> cleanup extract fin

ggsci> cleanup extract e*, save 6

ggsci> CLEANUP REPLICAT group_name [, SAVE count]  -- To delete run history for specified Replicat group

ggsci> cleanup replicat fin

ggsci> cleanup replicat *, save 10

ggsci> CLEANUP CHECKPOINTTABLE [user_name.table_name]  -- To remove checkpoint records from the checkpoint table

ggsci> cleanup checkpointtable ggs.fin_check

ggsci> DELETE EXTRACT group_name [!]   -- To delete an Extract group

ggsci> delete extract emp_ext

ggsci> delete extract emp_ext !              -- will not ask for confirmation

ggsci> DELETE REPLICAT group_name [!]   -- To delete a Replicat group

ggsci> delete replicat emp_ext

ggsci> delete replicat emp_ext !             -- will not ask for confirmation

ggsci> DELETE EXTTRAIL trail_name    -- To delete the record of checkpoints associated with a trail on a local system

ggsci> delete exttrail /home/ogg/dirdat/et

ggsci> DELETE RMTTRAIL trail_name    -- To delete the record of checkpoints associated with a trail on a remote system

ggsci> delete rmttrail /home/ogg/dirdat/et

ggsci> DELETE TRANDATA user_name.table_names [, OLDFORMAT] [, USETRIGGER]  -- To delete logging/replication data

ggsci> delete trandata fin.acct

ggsci> delete trandata fin.cust*

ggsci> delete trandata, usetrigger

ggsci> DELETE CHECKPOINTTABLE [user_name.table_name] [!]     -- To drop checkpoint table from database

ggsci> delete checkpointtable ggs.fin_check

ggsci> DELETE TRACETABLE [owner.table]   -- To delete a trace table

ggsci> delete tracetable ora_trace


ggsci> KILL EXTRACT group_name    -- To kill an Extract process running in regular or PASSIVE mode

ggsci> kill extract fin

ggsci> KILL REPLICAT group_name   -- To kill a Replicat process

ggsci> kill replicat fin

ggsci> KILL ER group_wildcard_specification   -- To forcefully terminate multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit

ggsci> kill er *x*

ggsci> LAG EXTRACT group_name    -- To determine a true lag time between Extract and the datasource

ggsci> lag extract ext*

ggsci> lag extract *

ggsci> LAG REPLICAT group_name   -- To determine a true lag time between Replicat and the trail

ggsci> lag replicat myrepl

ggsci> lag replicat *

ggsci> LAG ER group_wildcard_specification   -- To get lag information on multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit

ggsci> lag er *ext*

ggsci> DUMPDDL [SHOW]   -- To view the data in the Oracle GoldenGate DDL history table

ggsci> dumpddl

ggsci> HISTORY [n]   -- To view the most recently issued GGSCI commands since the session started

ggsci> history       -- by default, shows last 10 commands

ggsci> history 30


-- To change the default text editor for the current session of GGSCI, default editors are Notepad for Windows and vi for UNIX

ggsci> SET EDITOR program_name   

ggsci> set editor wordpad

-- To display operating system and database version information

ggsci> VERSIONS  

ggsci> FC [n | -n | string]   -- To display edit a previously issued GGSCI command and then execute it again

ggsci> fc

ggsci> fc 9

ggsci> fc -3

ggsci> fc sta

ggsci> SHELL shell_command   -- To execute shell commands from within GGSCI interface

ggsci> shell ls -l /u01/app/oracle/gg/dirdat

ggsci> shell dir dirprm\*

ggsci> shell rm ./dat*

ggsci> OBEY ggsci_script      -- To process a file that contains a list of GoldenGate commands.

ggsci> shell more /u01/app/oracle/gg/startup.txt





ggsci> OBEY /u01/app/oracle/gg/startup.txt

ggsci> OBEY ./mycommands.txt

ggsci> EXIT

1 Oracle GoldenGate GGSCI Commands

This chapter describes the commands that can be issued through the Oracle GoldenGate Software Command Interface (GGSCI). This is the command interface between users and Oracle GoldenGate functional components.

1.1 Summary of Oracle GoldenGate Commands

This section summarizes the GGSCI commands and includes the following topics:

1.1.1 Summary of Manager Commands

Use the Manager commands to control the Manager process. Manager is the parent process of Oracle GoldenGate and is responsible for the management of its processes and files, resources, user interface, and the reporting of thresholds and errors.

Table 1-1 Manager Commands

Returns information about the Manager port and child processes.
Returns information about a running Manager process.
Starts the Manager process.
Returns the state of the Manager process.
Stops the Manager process.


1.1.2 Summary of Extract Commands

Use the Extract commands to create and manage Extract groups. The Extract process captures either full data records or transactional data changes, depending on configuration parameters, and then sends the data to a trail for further processing by a downstream process, such as a data-pump Extract or the Replicat process.

Table 1-2 Extract Commands

Creates an Extract group.
Changes attributes of an Extract group
Deletes run history for an Extract group
Deletes an Extract group.
Returns information about an Extract group.
Forcibly terminates the run of an Extract group.
Returns information about Extract lag.
Registers an Extract group with an Oracle database.
Sends instructions to, or returns information about, a running Extract group.
Starts an Extract group.
Returns processing statistics for an Extract group.
Returns the state of an Extract group.
Stops an Extract group.
Unregisters an Extract group from an Oracle database.


1.1.3 Summary of Replicat Commands

Use the Replicat commands to create and manage Replicat groups. The Replicat process reads data extracted by the Extract process and applies it to target tables or prepares it for use by another application, such as a load application.

Table 1-3 Replicat Commands

Adds a Replicat group.
Changes attributes of a Replicat group.
Deletes run history of a Replicat group.
Deletes a Replicat group.
Returns information about a Replicat group.
Forcibly terminates a Replicat group.
Returns information about Replicat lag.
Registers a Replicat group with an Oracle database.
Sends instructions to, or returns information about, a running Replicat group.
Starts a Replicat group.
Returns processing statistics for a Replicat group.
Returns the state of a Replicat group.
Stops a Replicat group.
Returns all threads of a coordinated Replicat to a uniform start point after an unclean shutdown of the Replicat process.
Unregisters a Replicat group from an Oracle database.


1.1.4 Summary of the ER Command

Use the ER command to issue standard Extract and Replicat commands to multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit. See "ER" for how to use this command.

Table 1-4 ER Commands

Returns information about the specified wildcarded groups.
Forcibly terminates the specified wildcarded groups.
Returns lag information about the specified wildcarded groups.
Sends instructions to, or returns information about, the specified wildcarded groups.
Starts the specified wildcarded groups.
Returns processing statistics for the specified wildcarded groups.
Returns the state of the specified wildcarded groups.
Stops the specified wildcarded groups.


1.1.5 Summary of Wallet Commands

Use the wallet commands to manage the master-key wallet that stores Oracle GoldenGate master encryptions keys, and to add master keys to this wallet.

Table 1-5 Wallet Commands

Creates a wallet that stores master encryption keys.
Opens a master-key wallet.
Permanently removes from a wallet the master keys that are marked as deleted.
Adds a master key to a master-key wallet.
Returns information about master keys.
Adds a new version of a master key.
Marks a master key for deletion.
Changes the state of a master key from being marked as deleted to marked as available.


1.1.6 Summary of Credential Store Commands

Use the credential store commands to manage an Oracle GoldenGate credential store and to add credentials to the credential store.

Table 1-6 Credential Store Commands

Creates a credentials store (wallet) that stores encrypted database user credentials.
Changes the contents of a credentials store.
Returns information about a credentials store.
Deletes the wallet that serves as a credentials store.


1.1.7 Summary of Trail Commands

Use the trail commands to create and manage Oracle GoldenGate trails. A trail is a series of files in which Oracle GoldenGate temporarily stores extracted data on disk until it has been applied to the target location.

Table 1-7 Trail Commands

Adds a local trail to the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
Adds a remote trail to the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
Changes attributes of a local trail.
Changes attributes of a remote trail.
Removes a local trail from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
Removes a remote trail from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
Returns information about a local trail.
Returns information about a remote trail.


1.1.8 Summary of Parameter Commands

Use the parameter commands to view and manage Oracle GoldenGate parameter files. See Administering Oracle GoldenGate for Windows and UNIX for more information about how to work with parameter files.

Table 1-8 Parameter Commands

Opens a parameter file for editing in the default text editor.
Sets the default text editor program for editing parameter files.
Displays the contents of a parameter file in read-only mode on-screen.


1.1.9 Summary of Database Commands

Use the database commands to interact with the database from GGSCI.

Table 1-9 Database Commands

Logs the GGSCI session into a database so that other commands that affect the database can be issued.
Shows the data in the Oracle GoldenGate DDL history table.
Encrypts a database login password.
Updates an Oracle sequence so that initial redo records are available at the time that Extract starts capturing transaction data after the instantiation of the replication environment.
Lists the tables in the database with names that match the input specification.
Specifies the credentials of the user that an Oracle GoldenGate process uses to log into an Oracle mining database.
Sets the CCSID of the GGSCI session in a DB2 for i environment.


1.1.10 Summary of Trandata Commands

Use trandata commands to configure the appropriate database components to provide the transaction information that Oracle GoldenGate needs to replicate source data operations.

Table 1-10 Trandata Commands

Enables schema-level supplemental logging.
Enables table-level supplemental logging.
Disables schema-level supplemental logging.
Disables table-level supplemental logging.
Returns information about the state of schema-level supplemental logging.
Returns information about the state of table-level supplemental logging.


1.1.11 Summary of Checkpoint Table Commands

Use the checkpoint table commands to manage the checkpoint table that is used by Oracle GoldenGate to track the current position of Replicat in the trail.

For more information about checkpoints and using a checkpoint table, see Administering Oracle GoldenGate for Windows and UNIX.

Table 1-11 Checkpoint Table Commands

Creates a checkpoint table in a database.
Removes checkpoint records that are no longer needed.
Removes a checkpoint table from a database.
Returns information about a checkpoint table.
Adds a supplemental checkpoint table when upgrading Oracle GoldenGate from version or earlier.


1.1.12 Summary of Oracle Trace Table Commands

Use the trace table commands to manage the Oracle GoldenGate trace table that is used with bidirectional synchronization of Oracle databases. Replicat generates an operation in the trace table at the start of each transaction. Extract ignores all transactions that begin with an operation to the trace table. Ignoring Replicat's operations prevents data from looping back and forth between the source and target tables.

For more information about bidirectional synchronization, see Administering Oracle GoldenGate for Windows and UNIX.

Table 1-12 Oracle Trace Table Commands

Creates a trace table.
Removes a trace table.
Returns information about a trace table.


1.1.13 Summary of Oracle GoldenGate Data Store Commands

Use the data store commands to control the data store that Oracle GoldenGate uses to store monitoring information for use by Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Table 1-13 Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Data Store Commands

Changes the memory model that is used for interprocess communication by the data store.
Creates the data store.
Removes the data store.
Returns information about the data store.
Repairs the data store after an upgrade or if it is corrupt.


1.1.14 Summary of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor JAgent Commands

Use the JAgent commands to control the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor JAgent.

Table 1-14 JAgent Commands

Returns information about the JAgent.
Starts the JAgent.
Returns the state of the JAgent.
Stops the JAgent.


1.1.15 Summary of Miscellaneous Oracle GoldenGate Commands

Use the following commands to control various other aspects of Oracle GoldenGate.

Table 1-15 Miscellaneous Commands

Executes a previous GGSCI command without modifications.
Enables or disables the use of nested OBEY files.
Creates the default directories within the Oracle GoldenGate home directory.
Sets a default journal for multiple tables or files for the ADD TRANDATA command when used for a DB2 for i database.
Allows the modification and re-execution of a previously issued GGSCI command.
Provides assistance with syntax and usage of GGSCI commands.
Shows a list of the most recently issued commands since the startup of the GGSCI session.
Displays status and lag for all Oracle GoldenGate processes on a system.
Displays recently processed markers from a NonStop system.
Processes a file that contains a list of Oracle GoldenGate commands.
Executes shell commands from within the GGSCI interface.
Displays the attributes of the Oracle GoldenGate environment.
Displays information about the operating system and database.
Displays the Oracle GoldenGate error log (ggserr.log file).
Displays the process report or the discard file that is generated by Extract or Replicat